An increasingly global support for projects, from studies to commissioning

An increasingly global support for projects, from studies to commissioning
Arcis-sur-Aube and Melle: a designer of the units, associated with the exploitation and capital
While anaerobic digestion continues to grow, driven in particular by facilities dedicated to the injection of biomethane, the actors in the sector are also seeing a new trend in the conduct of long-term projects. Indeed, the owners are looking more and more for support downstream of the commissioning. This is the case, for example, for the holders of two projects: the cooperative Scara, in the Aube, and the cooperative CEA Loulay, associated with the Régie Seolis, in Deux-Sèvres.
Commissioned in Arcis-sur-Aube, the Scara unit will inject biomethane next spring. At cruising speed, the production of the site should reach 450 Nm3 / h. Each year, the unit – representing an investment of € 16 million – will value 40,000 t of agricultural biomass, provided by a hundred or so contributors. The latter also wished to entrust the designer of the unit with a mission to assist with operation and maintenance. In addition, this designer has entered the capital of the installation to the tune of 5% and participates in the animation of the network of contributors.
In Melle, the unit of CEA Loulay and Régie Seolis will be operated in full service by its designer, also entered in the capital at 28%. With a cost of € 8 million, the site, whose earthworks began at the end of 2018, will valorize livestock effluents, for two thirds, and cereal by-products, for the remaining third. Eventually, it will inject 200 Nm3 / h.
Professional words: « Reassure the banks solicited to finance the projects »
« On the operations of Arcis-sur-Aube and Melle, the technical and financial support we provide, beyond our design work, leads to an alignment of interests with Scara, CEA Loulay and Seolis, underlines Aurélien Lugardon , CEO of Naskeo. This will have helped to reassure the banks solicited to finance these projects. Naturally, we can provide this type of support on all our projects. As a general rule, the operations we are associated with do not go below 80 Nm3 / h, in order to amortize the cost of the biogas purification system. The average size is of the order of 180 to 200 Nm3 / h. «